
The Insurgent's Curated Shades - Modify which actions can be cast with Shades of Black.


Shades of Black is a technick that randomly casts one of the following black magicks:

Fire, Fira, Firaga, Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Aero, Aeroga, Aqua, Bio, Shock, Scourge, Flare, Scathe, Blind, Blindga, Silence, Sliencega, Sleep, Sleepga, Poison, Toxify.

These actions are automatically selected as an option based on their magick type (black magick). Each action also has an equal chance to be chosen.


This mod allows to modify which actions can be cast with Shades of Black and gives each one a chance that determines how likely it is to be chosen. All actions, including those of foes, are available regardless of their type.


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