A list of frequently asked questions.

Q: Where can I get help?

A: First of all, by browsing this wiki. If you still have questions afterwards, you can either ask for it in the post sections of the mod page here, or in the modding discord server here.

Q: Where can I report a bug?

A: Same as above, in either the posts section of the mod page, or in the modding discord server. Please provide as much information as possible about how you encountered the bug in order to receive the best possible help. If I can confirm the bug, I will add it to the list of Known Issues.

Q: Nothing is working, what am I missing?

A: Make sure that the mod requirements are up to date. If it still doesn't work, check out the hook.log file in the game/x64 directory. If it contains anything unusual, create a paste in pastebin and send me the link.

Q: Some hotkeys do not work for me, what am I missing?

A: Make sure you are actually pressing the correct hotkeys as in RightShift instead of LeftShift, or Add/Subtract from the character keys and not the Numpad. Q: Why are none of the options I toggled in-game saved into the configuration file once I close the game?

A: This can happen if the permission settings of the game directory are messed up. Make sure the configuration file is NOT set to read-only and that you have full permissions of the game directory (tutorial here). If this doesn't work, then you can apply your changes directly do the configuration file instead. Q: (Always Respawn Rare Game) Why are some rare games not respawning?

A: Since this option works by utilizing a developer function, it will only work if a developer also made use of it when creating a rare game. So far I have only noticed that it won't work with Ripe Rampager. Other rare games like Grimalkin, Nazarnir, Terror Tyrant, Disma are disabled on purpose by me because defeating them for a 2nd time causes a soft-lock. Both of these issues are impossible to solve without changing the location script which would make this mod incompatible with a lot of overhaul mods, hence why I chose the lesser evil.

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