
The Insurgent's Descriptive Inventory - Set a custom description for any inventory content that is selected and viewed in a menu.


Every inventory content (e.g. item, equipment, loot, ...) has a description when its selected and viewed in a menu. Some descriptions are dynamically created based on the content type.

For example, in case of a weapon it would be its attack power, element, etc. where as for a technick it would be its description, which license it requires, and so on.

Now the issue with that is that certain content types (e.g. weapon) have hidden effects, either by default or in specific circumstances.


  • If an equipment has more than one element, all except the first will not be displayed.

  • If an equipment has more than 3 status effects, the actual status effects will be replaced by the text various status effects instead.

  • If an equipment has a status effect and a status effect immunity, the former will not be displayed.

  • The elemental potency (e.g. fire) or metal value of an equipment is not displayed at all.

  • and many more.

There is only so much text a content can contain, not only because of the screen space, but also because of hardcoded limitations within the executable. These limitations are even more visible when using mods that make changes to equipment.


This mod allows to set a custom description for any inventory content that is selected and viewed in a menu.

While replacing the dynamically created text with a static one does give you more control and solve the issues mentioned in the examples above, it's still not a perfect solution.

(+) Custom Text Styling & Formatting

The text of a content can now be styled from scratch. This includes colouring, scaling, formatting, and more.

(-) Requires Manual Adjustments

Any changes to a content will no longer be reflected in its text. So it is necessary to always manually adjust the text after changing the content as otherwise the player will be none the wiser.

However, there is a spreadsheet available which helps remedy this obstacle.

(-) No Dynamically Styled Text

A dynamically styled text like License Needed: ..., which was transparent depending on if a party member had the required license or not, can no longer be used.


In the following preview, the Mythril Sword was modified with new effects via another mod.

As you can see, in the vanilla game, the weapon description is very plain.

Where as with this mod, it's not only much more detailed, but also includes a lot information that would otherwise be missing (ice element, combo chance, on hit chance, hits flying, ...).

Last updated