

All parameters are loaded from the {game}/x64/scripts/config/TheInsurgentsDescriptiveInventoryConfig/...lua files when opening the game.

Each language comes with its own configuration file (more info here).

These configuration files can be modified via any text editor. The following configuration is the default and equivalent to not using a custom text for any inventory content.

Default Configuration
local function config(contents)
  local inventory = {
    --{content, text}
    --{, "..."}

  return inventory

return config

Below is a list of all configurable options and what they are used for:


The content whose text should be replaced.


The new text of the content.

You can use various text tags such as {icon:fire} and {rgb:50,60,70} to further form and style the text.


A text can only be a maximum of 512 characters long. Keep in mind that while one letter is exactly one character long, text tags for coloring, formatting, etc. can be 3-6 characters long.

Parameters are processed top to bottom. So if a content is used more than once, only the first one will actually have an effect.

For a list of content identifiers, you can view the inventory content spreadsheet in Resources.

For a list of text tags, you can view The Insurgent's Handbook wiki.

You can also use entirely new text tags (e.g. status effect icons) by using the Text Extension of The Insurgent's Manifesto.

For a spreadsheet that helps with creating descriptions more easily, you can view the description calculator spreadsheet in Resources.

Instead of using an actual line break in a text, you can also use \n instead. That way the configuration file stays properly formatted as in there being one line for one content and text.

Last updated