Text Tags


Text tags are used in dialogues, menus, etc. to display characters, icons, etc. change their color, scale, formatting and much more.

The section below includes general information about every tag while the following pages describe each tag in detail.

Naming Scheme

The naming scheme of every tag is {[Tag][Type]:[argX],...}.

An example for a tag would be: {scale2:0}). In this case, the tag name is scale, the type is 2 and the only argument is 0.


Some tags have different types which change the behaviour of their arguments.

If its higher than 0, e.g. 1 (common), the argument value will be directly used. If its 0 (very rare), the argument value will be used as a reference to a list that holds the real value.

This was probably done to allow easily changing a value in all texts by modifying it in the list instead of doing it one by one in all texts. However, its almost never used by any texts.

For a list of all possibly values, you can refer to this file.

Optional Arguments

A tag usually has 1 or more arguments which all are listed one after another and split with a comma.

Since a lot of tags always use the same type and argument, they were made optional to avoid clutter and decrease the overall size of a dialogue. In such a case, everything optional will be enclosed by a parentheses in their signature.

For example, in the following signature: {scale(type):[percentage]}, the type is completely optional. If it isn't provided, the default one will be used which is listed on the page of a tag, in this case its 1.

So the tags {scale:20} and {scale1:20} both have the same effect.

With this tag only the type is optional, but there are also tags where all arguments are. That's because all game texts always use the exact same arguments for them.

For example, in the following signature: {speed(type:[seconds])}, all arguments are optional. The default type is 1, while the default seconds are 0.

So the tags {speed}, {speed:0}, {speed1} and {speed1:0} all have the same effect.


For a list of all text tags, you can view the text tags spreadsheet in Resources.

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