
Import Clut

  1. Create a copy of item_clut.bin.

  2. Open the new item_clut.bin and item_gra00.cl2 with a hex editor.

  3. Copy the bytes from 0x40 to 0x0440 in item_gra00.cl2.

  4. Paste the bytes into item_clut.bin, starting at offset x, where x is File Number * 0x0400. So for item_gra05.cl2, replace the bytes from 0x1400 to 0x1800.

Import Image

  1. Navigate to the directory with ff12-as7.exe.

  2. Put the new item_gra00.raw into it.

  3. Press Ctrl + L to focus the address bar of the file explorer.

  4. Press Backspace, type cmd and then press Enter to open the Command Prompt.

  5. Type the following code into the Command Prompt:

ff12-as7.exe -p -b=6144 item_gra00.raw item_gra00.as7
  1. Change -b=6144 depending on the height of the raw image (e.g. for item_gra07.raw, its 1536)

  2. Press Enter to convert the .raw to a .as7 file.

Create A Mod

Now that you have modified both the .raw image and its clut, you can create a mod out of it by doing the following:

  1. Create the following directory structure: ps2data/image/ff12/myoshiok/in/bin_menu.

  2. Put the new item_gra00.as7 and item_clut.bin into it.

  3. Create an archive (.7z, .zip, .rar etc.) out of the root directory (ps2data).

  4. Install it (e.g. Vortex).


When replacing color data in the item_clut.bin, make sure that the file size stays the same. Its always 0x0400 bytes for every raw image.

If your game language is set to Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified) or Korean, you have to replace the files in the ch directory instead.

Last updated