R Move


void rmove(float posX, float posY, float posZ); //id:0x0042


Gives a character (current script) the order to walk to a specific position in the current location.

While moving, the manual control of the character gets overwritten by this function. So while you can't move, you can turn around a bit, but once you let the controls go, the character snaps back to their path again.

By default, the character will walk (not run) to reach their destination. To adjust their speed, use the Set Walk Speed function before this one. Alternatively, you can also just use the R Move 43 function instead.


If the character is not able to reach the location (e.g. out of bounds, blocked by other characters, ...), they will be stuck with trying to reach it until they are freed via another function like Move Cancel.

If this function is executed on a character that is already moving into a direction, their destination will be updated instead.

If this function is executed on an active party member that isn't the party leader, they will only start walking to the destination once the party leader is outside of their auto-follow range. Once they reach it, they will automatically return to the party leader though.

Last updated