Hue Next




Colors only the next character.



The are a total of 8 types (0 -> 7) which control how the identifier argument is processed.

If its higher than 0, e.g. 1 (common), the identifier value will be directly used. If its 0 (very rare), the identifier value will be used as a reference to a list that holds the real value.

This argument is optional, and will equal the value 1 if non-existent.

Unknown 1

The extent to which the color is changed. It's purpose is not fully known.

If the type is higher than 0, the number range is -128 -> 128. If its 0, the number range is 0 -> 127.


If this text tag is not used, the default color of characters is gray (rgb: 128, 128, 128).

This tag affects the color of other tags such as Color and Rgb.

Although it's possible to use a negative number as the unknown 1 value, doing so results in a completely random color being used.

Last updated