A number box that allows a number within a specific range to be selected in a dialog. It can also be used to select a predefined list of choices.
It can be navigated with the up-down-left-right navigation keys.
Padding Range
The padding range of the shown number (0 -> 15).
If a value higher than 8
is passed, it will be changed to 8
For example, with a padding range of 4, the value 20
would be shown like 20
Zero Padding On Navigation
If set to 1, the shown number will include zero padding on navigation (0 -> 1).
Always Zero Padding
If set to 1, the shown number will always include zero padding (0 -> 1).
For example, with a padding range of 4, the value 20
would be shown like 0020
If the padding range is not higher than 0, this argument has no effect.
Predefined Choices
If set to 1, the selectable choices in a dialog will be limited to a predefined list set via macros (0 -> 1).
These macros are set up via the Set Mes Macro function, just before opening the dialog window with a function like A Ask E.
The following macros have to be properly set before a dialog window is opened:
Macro 29 must contain the total number of choices (e.g. 2).
Macro 28 must contain the initially selected choice (e.g. 0).
Macro 0 to x - 1 must contain the choices itself where as x is the total number of choices.
The macro type should also always be a number, as a different type such as a content or an action name is not supported.
Using this tag in a text file with the format magic (e.g. loot) results in a crash.
Last updated