



Tilts the next characters in the current line by specific degrees.

It's used to make text cursive-styled.



The are a total of 8 types (0 -> 7) which control how the degrees argument is processed.

If its higher than 0, e.g. 1 (common), the degrees value will be directly used. If its 0 (very rare), the degrees value will be used as a reference to a list that holds the real value.

This argument is optional, and will equal the value 1 if non-existent.


The tilt degree of the characters.

If the type is higher than 0, the number range is -128 -> 127. If its 0, the number range is 0 -> 127.

If this value is positive, characters will be tilted to the right. If its negative, they will be tilted to the left instead.


If this text tag is not used, the default tilt degree of characters is 0.

Only the degrees 0 (off) and 20 (on) are generally used in texts.

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