Fs Menu Regist Rect


void fsmenu_registrect(int windowId, int posX, int posY, int width, int height); //id:0x7019


Creates a rectangle with a specific size in a specific location.


Window Identifier

The window the rectangle will be displayed in.

There are a total of 8 windows (0 -> 7) that can be used to simultaneously display several dialogues, shapes (textures), etc. at the same time.

If the window is already used before calling this function, it will overwrite the properties of the current one.

Position X

The position on the x-axis.

Position Y

The position on the y-axis.


The width of the rectangle.


The height of the rectangle.


This function will just return if the rectangle menu section wasn't loaded via the Fs Menu Load Resource function before.

The rectangle is initially hidden and must be shown via the Fs Menu Show Rect function afterwards.

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