Equipment Previews


This page explains how to edit the equipment preview images, which are to the left of the description text in the inventory.

  • Every icon has a width of 64 pixels and height of 96 pixels.

  • Every raw image has exactly 64 icons. The only exception is the last file (item_gra07.raw), which has 16 icons.

  • Every raw image has a width of 64 pixels.

  • Every raw image has a height of 6144 pixels. The only exception to this is the last file (item_gra07.raw), which has 1536 pixels.

To find the height of the raw image, you divide the total image size (bytes) by the image width (pixels). For example, the height of item_gra00.raw would be: 393216 / 64 = 6144.

Required Tools

The following tools are required for the next steps:


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