Std Motion Play Without Same 2C3


void stdmotionplaywithoutsame_2c3(int motionId, int timeFrame); //id:0x02c3


Does the same as the Std Motion Play function, but with the following differences:

  • If a character is already playing a motion, it will only be cancelled if the new one is different.

  • The time frame can also be set.


Time Frame

The higher the time frame, the slower the motion will play up until the motion's return point. After that, the motion will play at default speed.

For example, if in a motion a character sits down, waits a bit and then stands up again, the return point would at the frame just before they get up. So the slowdown effect only works in the early parts of the motion. If the value is too high, the motion return point may never be reached in which case the motion will just return too early.

1 frame equals 33 ms. If -1 is passed, it equals calling the Std Motion Play Without Same function.

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