
The Insurgent's Vision - A collection of various UI features such as: Free Camera, Custom Field Of View, Custom Camera Zoom, No Minimap, No Black Bars, and much more.


The following features are all optional and can be configured at any time while being in-game.

You can use the RightControl + Delete keys to toggle the state, RightControl + PageUp/PageDown keys to navigate through options, RightControl + Add/Subtract keys to configure and RightControl + Home keys to reset any parameters.

Options that come with a configurable parameter are marked with an asterisk (*) in their description.

Free Camera

Allows for complete camera control in both gameplay and cutscenes.

Main Controls

Target (Pitch | Yaw): Up/Down | Left/Right or Mouse

Camera (X | Y | Z): S/W | A/D | Q/E

Rotation (Left | Reset | Right): 1 | 2 | 3

Field of View (ZoomIn | ZoomOut): R | F

Speed (Hinder | Inc/Dec | Boost): LeftAlt | MouseWheel | LeftShift

Additional Hotkeys

F4: Freeze game world. While frozen, you can press 4 to advance frame by frame.

F5: Save current position.

F6: Load last saved position.

F7: Toggle between camera and character control (keyboard only). A controller can always be used to control the character.

F8: Toggle between party members following their leader or standing still.

F10: Display camera information.

F11: Toggle user interface.

The camera position, control target, etc. are all reset between sessions. So if you enable the free camera, switch to character control, disable the free camera, do something else and then enable it again, you begin with controlling the camera.

Custom Field Of View

(*) Allows you to adjust the vertical field of view of the game.

Custom Camera Zoom

(*) Allows you to zoom in and out during gameplay. Keep in mind that the higher your field of view is, the higher you will also be able to zoom out.


Zoom (Keyboard | PlayStation | Xbox) -> LeftAlt + MouseWheel | L2 + RS | LT + RS

Reset (Keyboard | PlayStation | Xbox) -> Alt + H / X / Numpad 0 | L2 + R3 | LT + RSB

Custom Minimap Zoom

(*) Allows to control the zoom factor of the minimap in the top right corner of the UI.

Minimap Rotation

Rotates the minimap based on the direction you are looking at.

No Minimap

Hides the minimap in the top right corner of the UI.

No Black Bars

Allows you to see more of the scenery during cutscenes and quickenings by removing both vertical and horizontal black bars. In the following image, the green boxes display the additional space with a 16:9 aspect ratio (e.g. 1920x1080), whereas the red boxes display the additional space with a 21:9 aspect ratio (e.g. 2560x1080).

All aspect ratios are supported, and the higher the aspect ratio, the more is obviously shown.

No Overhead HP Bars

Hides the overhead HP bars of the party and foes (incl. friendly).

No Overhead Status Effects

Hides the overhead status effects of the party and foes (incl. friendly). Please be aware that this will make ticking status effects such as Doom and Stone more difficult to notice.

No Combat Log

Hides the combat log on the top left corner of the UI when casting specific actions like Steal.

No Post-Processing

Disables all post-processing effects, making the game look similar to the PS2 version while also recovering a few frames in case you need them.

Last updated