
The state of all optional features are loaded from the {game}/x64/scripts/config/TheInsurgentsManifestoConfig.lua file when opening the game. This configuration file can be modified via any text editor.

The following configuration is the default:

Default Configuration
local configStates = {
  smartStealingGambits = true,
  trueInvisibility = true,
  thirtySixGambitsAndOneSet = false,
  hideEquipmentOutOfBattle = false,
  customAutoSheatheDelay = true,
  noHiddenEffectsOnPause = true,
  noChainLootPickupPunishment = false,
  noAutoPause = false,
  noAutoSave = false,
  noIntroLogo = true,
  noCrashDumper = true

local configParameters = {
  customAutoSheatheDelay = 1

return configStates, configParameters

Below is a list of all configurable options and what they are used for:

Config States

A list of all options and their state.

To enable an option, set their state to true, and to disable it, set it to false.

Config Parameters

A list of options with their configurable parameters.

For example: The option Custom Auto-Sheathe Delay with the parameter 1 would result in an auto-sheathe delay of 1 second after battle.

Last updated