Version 1.3.0

Released on 21/10/2022.

Main Features



  • The selection options box for questions will now be scrollable if it contains more than 6 entries.

Reset Hunts

Dalan will now allow the player to reset the progress of a completed hunt to a time where it was started (e.g. from a hunt board). After the reset, you will have the option to teleport to the petitioner where you can accept the quest and start hunting the mark again. For more information, see the Dalan section.

VM Extension

  • Increased version to 2 because of the changes from below. As a result, .ebp scripts that use any of the new VM calls will need to recompiled with the new functions list in General.

  • Fixed an issue where executing any of the new VM calls without having this mod installed, would result in them being translated to other VM calls which then caused various issues. In such a case, the new VM calls will do nothing now instead.

Text Extension

Text tags are used in dialogues, menus, etc. to display characters, icons, etc. change their colour, scale, formatting and much more. This extension adds entirely new text tags to the game. For more information, see the Text Extension section.

Optional Features

  • Readded the No Chain Loot Pickup Punishment option.

General (Vanilla)


  • Fixed an issue where in the equipment menu, the offhand selection options for a weapon would be hardcoded based on its category (e.g. Bow -> Arrow) instead of its actual offhand category (e.g. Arrow). Now, any weapon type (e.g. Gun, Rod, ...) can be paired with any ammunition or shield offhand type (e.g. Shield, Bolt, None, ...).


Nalbina Dungeons: Stockade

  • Added a spot the difference type of minigame that can be started by talking to Cutraz at the north side of the location. This minigame is a leftover from the original game which received additional changes such as new dialogue, reward, and dozen of bug fixes.

  • Restored leftover dialogue of Maza.

Jahara: Banks of the Sogoht


  • Fixed an issue where the entry to Jahara: Lull of the Land would be blocked off if the story progress wasn't set correctly.

The party meets War-chief Supinelu while trying to enter Jahara: Lull of the Land.

  • Fixed an issue where Vaan wouldn't look like himself if he wasn't the party leader or if the model of his character was modified.

  • Fixed an issue where other party members wouldn't be hidden if the active party consisted of more characters than just Vaan.

The party says their goodbyes and leaves Jahara to head off to Mt. Bur-Omisace.

  • Fixed an issue where Vaan wouldn't look like himself if he wasn't the party leader or if the model of his character was modified.

  • Fixed an issue where other party members wouldn't be hidden if the active party consisted of more characters than just Vaan.

Jahara: Lull of the Land

The party arrives in Jahara: Lull of the Land for the first time.

  • Fixed an issue where Vaan wouldn't look like himself if he wasn't the party leader or if the model of his character was modified.

  • Fixed an issue where other party members wouldn't be hidden if the active party consisted of more characters than just Vaan.

The party talks with High-chief Zayalu about the nethicite and receives a Jaya Stick.

  • Fixed an issue where Vaan wouldn't look like himself if he wasn't the party leader or if the model of his character was modified.

  • Fixed an issue where other party members wouldn't be hidden if the active party consisted of more characters than just Vaan.

  • Fixed an issue where Vaan's posture would be slightly off while listening to High-chief Zayalu.

The party asks War-chief Supinelu for a meet with Great-chief Uball-Ka.

  • Fixed an issue where Vaan wouldn't look like himself if he wasn't the party leader or if the model of his character was modified.

  • Fixed an issue where other party members wouldn't be hidden if the active party consisted of more characters than just Vaan.


Rabanastre: North End

Vaan and Penelo talk about how to get inside the palace.

  • Fixed an issue where Vaan wouldn't look like himself if he wasn't the party leader or if the model of his character was modified.

  • Fixed an issue where other party members wouldn't be hidden if the active party consisted of more characters than just Vaan.

Dreadnought Leviathan: Port Launch

The party is stopped by Ghis while trying to escape the Dreadnought Leviathan.

  • When the party runs towards the dock, they will now run in unison and at the same speed.

  • Fixed an issue where if there was a 4th party member in the active party, they wouldn't be running towards the dock like the rest of the party.

  • Fixed an issue where if there was a 4th party member in the active party, they wouldn't be correctly positioned behind the party after the event ended.

  • Fixed an issue where Basch would be cut off the screen a few milliseconds too soon while Ashe was running towards Ghis.

Dalmasca Estersand: Passage Entrance

The party prepares to head off to Rabanastre after escaping the Barheim Passage.

  • The event can now both be paused and skipped if desired.

Giza Plains (Dry): Nomad Village

Vaan learns how to make a sunstone and encounters Penelo who joins the party.

  • Fixed an issue where other party members wouldn't be hidden if the active party consisted of more characters than just Vaan.

Sky Fortress Bahamut: Central Lift

Basch and the party clashes with Gabranth after he loses half his health in battle.

  • Fixed an issue where if Basch was the 4th party member in the active party, the game would soft-lock.

  • Fixed an issue where if there was a 4th party member in the active party, they wouldn't be correctly positioned behind the party.

  • The 2nd and 3rd active party member were slightly repositioned to make space for a possible 4th active party member.

  • If the party leader isn't Basch, they will no longer always be repositioned to the left side of Basch when the event ends. Instead their position will now be related to their order in the active party.

The party clashes with Gabranth after he loses half his health in battle.

  • Fixed an issue where if there was a 4th party member in the active party, they wouldn't be correctly positioned behind the party.

  • Fixed an issue where the last camera cut wouldn't be played if the party leader wasn't Vaan, Ashe, Fran, Balthier or Penelo.

  • The active party will now be more grouped and look towards Gabranth after the event ends.


  • All (mod included) ebp files have been replaced with their sections only to increase compatibility with other mods.

Last updated