Version 1.1.0

Released on 07/06/2022.

Main Features

  • Added a VM Extension which extends existing VM calls and fixes various issues in others. VM calls are responsible for most of the things that happen in a location (Quests, NPC's, etc.).

VM Extension

Reset Jobs

  • Reseting a party member's job will now clear and refund all non-default license nodes, instead of only those of their current jobs. So if the available license nodes of a job were changed during the current play-through (e.g. from a mod), reseting the job of a party member will now result in the old license nodes actually being cleared.

  • Reseting a party member's job will now also work if the party member has no job assigned. So if the default license nodes were changed after starting a new game (e.g. from a mod), reseting the job of a party member that doesn't have one yet, will now result in the default license nodes actually being unlocked.

  • Reseting a party member's job will now also work for all party members (e.g. reks, guests and espers).

  • Fixed an issue where reseting Vaan's and Penelo's job would always give them a free gambit slot, even if they didn't require it to reach the max gambit slot count via license nodes.

Optional Features

  • Added a Hide Equipment Out Of Battle option which hides the weapon and off-hand of a character when out of battle.

  • Added a No Intro Logo option which skips the intro logo when starting the game.

  • Removed the No Chain Loot Pickup Punishment option.

No Auto-Pause

  • Fixed an issue where if the game lost focus, open menus such as the battle menu would be closed.

  • Fixed an issue where minimizing, maximizing, or even interacting with the window title bar at all would be very bothersome as clicking on (not holding) the title bar would immediately capture the cursor and hide it.

36 Gambits & 1 Set

  • Fixed an issue where using this option in combination with other tools/mods such as the save game editor of The Insurgent's Toolkit could cause a crash.

General (Vanilla)


  • All special action animations (e.g. Lunge from Hyena) can now be used in every location and therefore no longer need to be maintained separately per location.


  • Refreshing a party members stats (e.g. via a save crystal) will now also recalculate their gambit slot count to ensure that they are able to reach the max gambit slot count via license nodes if they didn't have at least 2 default gambits.

  • Fixed an issue where starting a new game or reseting a party member's gambits would result in them not being able to reach the max gambit slot count via license nodes if they didn't have at least 2 default gambits.

License Nodes

  • Fixed an issue where the augments obtained by a license node with an identifier of 361 or higher would be completely ignored.


  • Fixed an issue where actions with an identifier of 510 or higher couldn't be used for combat logs.

Story Point Additions

  • Fixed an issue where the gambit state flag wouldn't be correctly retrieved.

General (Mod)


  • Changed the approach on how to ensure that main and guest character will not T-Pose when using unsupported weapon types. Now a character can use the animation from any other character, instead of only the animation of themselves for another weapon type. As a result, most main and guest characters that were missing weapon type animations, now use proper ones.

  • Added missing animations (interaction, chocobo, ...) to main and guest characters.


  • Fixed an issue where the gambit condition "if target has weapon type x equipped" wouldn't work correctly if the target used the model of a main character.


Rabanastre: Eastgate / Southgate / Westgate

Balthier, Fran and Basch leave the party when returning from the Barheim Passage.

  • Fixed an issue where the animation for Vaan closing his eyes while shaking his head wasn't played at all while Basch talked to him.


  • Now requires LUA Loader v1.2.3 or higher.

  • Recompiled all (mod included) location scripts (.ebp) with FF12 VM Script De/Compiler v2.6.2. This fixes issues caused by older versions of the tool.

  • Fixed an issue where if the configuration file couldn't be read, no option could be enabled. In this case, the default configuration states will now be used instead.

  • Fixed an issue where if an option couldn't be enabled due to a compatibility issue, others couldn't be either until the incompatible option was disabled in the configuration file.

  • The memory required for an option to work will now only be allocated when the option is actually enabled.

  • Refactored the script and optimized the assembly code of all options.

Last updated