Version 1.0.0

Released on 12/04/2021.


Initial release. Some features included in this mod were decoupled from The Insurgent's Bountiful Bundle v1.3.0 and received additional improvements and bug fixes.

Optional Features

No Auto-Pause

  • Fixed an issue where the game window couldn't be repositioned due to the mouse cursor being captured when the title bar was selected.

36 Gambits & 1 Set

  • Fixed an issue where loading a save where the last viewed gambit set wasn't the first one, would result in some gambits being ignored until the gambit menu was opened and exited.

  • Fixed an issue where loading a save would result in the gambits states not to be correctly configured until the gambit menu was opened and exited.

General (Mod)


  • Reworked the script that ensured that main character will not T-Pose when using unsupported weapon types. This rework allows to use a custom animation for a weapon type based on the character model, where as before, only a single animation could be chosen for all weapon types.


  • The action count is now retrieved dynamically instead of being statically set. This ensures that the game will no longer iterate over non-existent data, which could have lead to unknown issues (none observed).

  • Fixed an issue where the actions Spawn and Divide wouldn't work correctly.

Last updated