The Insurgent's Toolkit - The ultimate mod editor for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.
A collection of editors, miscellaneous scripts and modder resources that allow you edit almost everything in the game in real-time.
Below is a brief overview of all the available features.
Modify game states such as FOV, no-clip, PRNG, chain, magick fields, and much more.
Reset or recalculate party member level, stats, jobs, equipment, gambits, and much more.
Add or remove a party member to or from the party.
Add or remove any content to or from your inventory.
Teleport anywhere.
Summon a Chocobo.
Open any shop.
Open the save or load menu at any given time.
Complete the entire bestiary and therefore unlock all pages.
Turn any location to a trial mode on demand.
Banish all nearby foes.
Cast any action.
View and modify tons of information about a character.
View and modify absolutely anything in the save game.
View and modify general game information such as gambits, equipment, actions, party members, items, shops, and much more.
View and modify foe information per location such as their stats, model, AI, and much more.
View and modify tons of information about a location such as treasures, traps, navigation icons, foe status effects, and much more.
View and modify information about a UI part of the game such as the save menu, license menu, and so on.
View and modify information about multipalette texture icons.
View and modify information about license node icons.
View and modify information about clan primer handbooks.
View and modify information about a party member that is used in menus.
View information about the starting points of a VM call target that is used inside the main script of an .ebp file.
View and modify post processing settings.
View and modify debug settings.
View and modify general UI settings.
View and modify information about the mouse.
Last updated