Party Member Editor
Reset or recalculate party member level, stats, jobs, equipment, gambits, and much more.
Apply one of the following features for either all party members or only a specific one.
Recalculate Level & Stats
Reset Jobs
Reset To Default Equipment
Reset To Default Gambits
Refresh Stats (Always All)
Refresh Appearance (Always All)
Choose what you would like to do (e.g. Recalculate Level & Stats).
Click on the according checkbox to expand the group.
Select to which party members the script should apply (e.g. All, Vaan, ...).
Configure additional parameters depending on the script (e.g. Level).
Click on the checkbox of Execute Script to run the script.
Resetting a party member's equipment will NOT add their default equipment to the inventory. Instead it will only be temporarily equipped, meaning that the party member is able to use it until it is replaced. This is intentional as otherwise it can cause issues like not being able to sell the equipment of a guest that is currently not in your party.
Unlike in the vanilla game, resetting a party member's job will clear and refund all non-default license nodes, instead of only those of their current jobs. If the Unlock Default License State is set to false, all license nodes except Essential are cleared and refunded.
For individually changing a party member's stats, job, equipment, gambits, and so on, use the Save Game Editor instead.
Last updated