Battle Character Editor

View and modify tons of information about a character (party member, foe, friendly, npc, ...), treasure, trap, and so on.


Each section focuses on a different kind of information about a character.

  • Battle Keep Extended Info

  • Battle Keep Basic Info

  • Battle Work Extended Info

  • Battle Work Basic Info

  • Skeleton Keep Info

  • Skeleton Work Extended Info

  • Skeleton Work Basic Info

  • Skeleton Work Main Info


  1. Select an Identifier (e.g. 0).

  2. Choose what you want to modify (e.g. Current position of a character)

  3. Guess which group it might be located in (e.g. Skeleton Work Extended Info).

  4. Click on the according checkbox to expand the group.

  5. Edit everything to your liking.


Using 255 as the identifier will result in the script always showing the data of the currently selected target.

Some information (e.g. Current Position) is duplicated across the different sections. If changing it in one doesn't result in a change, try changing it in the other.

Changing some information (e.g. Character Model) may not have an effect until the game accesses it again for some reason.

The Battle Keep Basic Info section is almost identical to the party member structure in Save Game Editor -> Battle Info -> Party Members. To avoid duplication, editing this structure for party members is not supported in this editor.

Last updated