13 : Equipment & Attributes

Holds information about equipment (weapons, shields, armors, ...) and their attributes (stats, status effects, ...).


  • Create a dagger with a very high range that will make its wielder dash towards its target.

  • Create a sword that can hit flying foes.

  • Create an equipment that makes the wielder immune to all status effects.

  • Create an equipment without license restrictions.

  • Create an equipment that is unsaleable.

  • and much more.



An attribute is a data pack consisting of stats, status effects (incl. immunity) and elemental affinities.

One equipment always has one attribute, while one attribute may be used by one or more equipment. This means that changing an attribute will almost always have an effect on more than one equipment.

How To Change The Attribute Of An Equipment

  1. Select which equipment you want to modify (e.g. Equipment -> Identifier -> Mithril Blade).

  2. Select which attribute it should have (e.g. Attributes-> Identifier -> 162).

  3. Double-click on the value field of Attributes -> Offset and copy its value.

  4. Double-click on the value field of Equipment -> Attribute Offset and paste the copied value.


Changing the order of an equipment should be avoided unless it belongs to the same type (calculated by the order). Otherwise it can cause a number of issues such as:

  • a wrong inventory sorting order

  • incorrect type checks resulting in the type being x in one case and y in the other

  • and many more

Swapping an arrow with a hand-bomb is fine, doing the same with an arrow and armor is not as they both have a different equipment type.

Changing the type of an equipment should be avoided at all costs. Otherwise it can cause a number of issues such as mentioned above.

Changing a light armor to a heavy armor is fine, doing the same with an ammunition and a weapon is not as they both have a different equipment type.

All equipment types have a quantity limitation for the inventory that should not be exceeded. Otherwise it can cause a number of issues such as:

  • a player not being able to collected all equipment.

  • the order of equipment being messed up which results in the issues mentioned above

  • and many more

However, adding completely new equipment that is only meant to be used by a foe should be fine as it can never be collected by the player anyway because of a game limitation that was set to prevent the issues mentioned above.

The equipment type limitations are as follows:

Weapons: 200

Armor (incl. Shields): 140

Accessories: 48

Ammunition: 32

Attribute 0 should never ever be modified as it is used for equipment that shouldn't have an attribute to being with. The link to it is just there because of technical reasons.

For more information about which equipment uses which attribute, you can view the spreadsheet in Resources.

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